Social Marketing - community building | Weboptim
We have entered a new era of marketing! One-way communication has been replaced by dialogue.
In traditional marketing, the marketer has done the talking, the consumer has listened in good cases and avoided the advertising in bad cases. Think of the ad blocking devices!
The new (social) marketing is based on mutual communication. Ask, listen and respond to our customers' needs. This is what social marketing is good for, and we can see many examples of it nowadays, e.g. Youtube, FaceBook, MYspace, etc...
On YouTube, for example, there are videos that can be viewed by millions of people in a day.
What opportunities are there to build community?
The benefits of communities:
- Anyone can join and have their say
- Information spreads fast
- Cheaper than TV, Radio and Press
- There's no idle chatter, read for those who care
- Provides immediate feedback
- The consumer can choose
- No need to block advertising
- A bottom-up strategy
- Search the information gathered
Steps to community building:
- 1. Find the websites where your target audience visits
- 2. Who are they? Let's group them
- 3. Select those who write a lot and form opinions
- 4. Talk to them, make contact
- 5. Use viral marketing
- 6. Create engaging content that will keep them coming back.
- 7. Hold polls, collect opinions
- 8. Respond quickly to negative criticism
- 9. Analyse often!
- 10. Create your own open or closed community.
To achieve this goal, it is important to become a professional search engine user. And we don't just mean Google.
Create your own community:
- Defining the target audience
- Developing a strategy
- What content do you need?
- Analysis of customers
- Competitor analysis
- Recruitment
- Communicate with them
If you are interested in community building, please contact us.