The Link Building | Weboptim

But what is link building?

Link building is an important step in search engine marketing, and unlike website redesign, it can be an irreversible process that can be set in motion by an incorrect strategy.

It is important to know that Google has become the world's best search engine because of its recognition of the role of links. While other search engines relied only on content, Google also took into account when determining rankings that which links point to the website. And it gave much better results than other search engines.


Link building is the process of placing links to your website on other websites so that they can click through to ours. These links are counted and evaluated by Google.


How to build a link?

Do we need to go to as many websites as possible, wherever we are hired? Not the most expedient solution, but it is true that this will of course result in a lot of links, but not necessarily in a better ranking in the search engines. Avoid link farms and bought links, because they can lead to penalties.

In addition to traditional link building, there are now a number of new link building techniques that can be used to achieve more effective results. But this requires developing a link building strategy, which should be entrusted to the best professional.


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