Canaria Dental – Shine on vacation! | Weboptim



The partnership of CanariaDental and Weboptim Ltd. started in the beginning of 2014 with the creation of the new website, the setting of online marketing goals and the launch of the European AdWords campaigns. Since that we execute the website related tasks and of course we deliver online marketing tasks in English and German languages.


Do you need a dental treatment? Thanks to Canaria Dental’s long-run experience in dental tourism, you can get back with sparkling white teeth from your relaxing holidays.

Nowadays finding a trust-worthy and affordable dentist is frustrating and exhausting. The price of basic dental treatments is continuously increasing and covering an overall treatment can be rough even for the most prepared patients. That is exactly why more and more people are willing to travel further to find affordable quality services.

With its 20 years of experience in dental holidays, Canaria Dental combines in unique way professional dental services with favorable prices and the joy of a refreshing holiday. The company provides overall dental treatments on competitive prices in our clinics equipped with the newest technologies in Budapest, Mallorca and the Canary Islands. We also take care of travel organization upon request.


And what do our patients think of Canaria Dental?



Stress free treatments. Shining smile. Relaxation.