SEO ded | Weboptim


Our Services

Your Internet Site deserves more visitors

  • of 10 internet visitors, 9 of them use a search engine
  • of 10 internet visitors, 9 of them open only the first web page
  • your web site can also be among the most visited ones

Search Marketing

To operate a web site is similar in many aspects to run a retail shop: you can successful, if shop visitors can chose what they want from your selection – it is also essential for them to know: we run a shop and where it is.


These ideas above may seem to be well-known, however we are informed that thousands of web sites are started on the web without being taken notice of them by those people whom these sites are intended for.  Nowadays there are more sites on the web, than people living on the Earth. Only Google estimates 8 billion sites, hence you cannot expect for anybody to visit all web sites where your search keyword can emerge. Any web visitor does obviously the same as you, if he searches anything on the web: he enters a word in the search window and selects the most promising site among the web links emerged.


As for the surveys, 90 % of web visitors use a search engine, and in 89.8 % of the web hits, the web sites on the first search page are selected.  Hence it is obvious that you only have any chance to attract a lot of visitors – and additionally get income – if your web site is among the first ones on Google, Yahoo or Bing.


Luckily to be among the first hits there is no need for a multi-thousand or multi-million investment or a full web site re-work. Our service package for a full-scale search optimization includes as follows:


  • competitors analysis and strategy set-up:  we analyse the present status of your web site, causes and possibilities in order to ensure that our cooperation should give the greatest and quickest ranking increase,
  • selection of search words: on the basis of our data base we are able to indicate which are the most wanted search words used by visitors, associated with your web site,
  • changing web site to a „user friendly” one: we are aware of the ranking principles of the search engines, hence we can also give a help by means of minor changes so that your web site will be ranked higher by your visitors than those of your competitors.
  • preparing optimized web pages: if it is necessary based on the analysis, we can also help to optimize some of your web pages for better internet search.

These changes can give you success after several months: our clients are among the first hits. Have you ever tried to discover how successful is your site, if anybody is interested in your service on Google.


Increasing Popularity

To increase the popularity of a site we have several means:

  • paid online promotion spots (e.g. banners)
  • paid links in the search engines
  • search optimization to establish a higher ranking in the search engines
  • Click on advertising systems (e.g. Google AdWords)
  • Offline insertions

We undertake to make your web site more visited by means of the solutions above – either by direct site enter (entering URL name) or by indirect site visit (clicking on a link).


AdWords Campaign Management

Of the CPC (Cost Per Click) systems, the Google AdWords program is the most favoured. Our company undertake to carry out full-scale CPC campaigns: these are mostly recommended because our clients – in contrast to the traditional advertisements, where the price depends on the number of the appearance – pay only for the number of the actual site visitors.


WEBoptim SEO


Advantages of Cost per Click (CPC) campaigns:

  • In relation to the traditional search-optimization, it gives immediate results
  • It is strictly result-oriented: only the obtained visitors are charged
  • Keywords with unlimited number can be given
  • Advertisements can be positioned as per countries, languages or smaller regions.
  • Advertisement costs can be controlled well.
  • The results can be excellently measured.
  • Google AdWords is directly connected to Google Analytics system


Internet Marketing – Consulting

It is not surprising at all, that the greatest part of web sites has not got any precise goal. It is evidently not all the same, that visitors are stimulated to carry out online shopping or registration, or generating content on a given page or in a given section. If the aim is defined, it is only to be stated how it can be realized to reach this goal for the most visitors by means of the least money.


WEBoptim SEO

Our company undertakes to elaborate a plan to increase the effectiveness of a web site on the basis of our analysis


Marketing on Internet

Marketing can be done on Internet by several means. We can hire banner places, can write articles and can enrol into partner programmes, or link exchange programmes, However the most effective marketing technique is to take a good place on the hit list of the search engines. As for the marketing, such kind of advertising which was not obtained by money, is more valuable for the user. It is so because he thinks this price should be paid not by himself in the price of the advertising.


If, for example, somebody looks at an advertisement in an expensive TV package, he would surely think that advertisement price is included in that of the product. By means of search optimization a stable visiting level can additionally be hit and such people can be reached, who are searching for the given subject matter. Hence it is the most directed form of the marketing. We can reach such people who are searching us.


Development of Internet is continuous. In these days there are more than 8 billion web sites in the Earth. Or the web search engines can see such number of sites. According to the estimations the Internet has got a so called unseen part, which can be 50 %. They are called unseen, because search engines do not see them. Because the Internet has got so much information, internet searching plays a great role. How can we find fast a piece of information among the many web sites of the Internet. To reach this piece of information fastest can be achieved by using search engines. There are many search engines, there are search engines for general and special purposes. Regarding user numbers the engines of Google, Yahoo and MSB are the market leaders


When preparing an Internet site, it should be considered that the search engines should know it and give it a high rank. The search marketing is that area, where solutions can be found to this problem.


Analysing Website

The Internet, as an advertisement method – in contrary to the conventional advertisement surface – gives a possibility to fully record and analyse purchaser reactions. Every change on the web site can give measurable results and this negative or positive reaction can immediately be measured in most cases.

To draw the proper conclusions, we should firstly know what and why happen on our web site. Based on the actual operation of the site and relevant statistical figures we prepare an analysis about the problem points of the site and give a proposal to repair revealed troubles in order to ensure a great income increase.

Some general questions which are covered by us:

  • How much time was spent on the individual parts of the web site by our visitors?
  • What are they interested in? What should be changed or be left definitely unchanged on the site?
  • Who are our visitors? Where did they come from? From what kind of pages, search engines and what kind of search words were used?
  • Where is it worthwhile to spend more? How should the marketing budget be divided in order to ensure the highest income?
  • Where is it worthwhile to advertise more?
  • How can we get more visitors?
  • How can we maintain a high ROI (Return On Investment) ratio?

It is not surprising at all, that the greatest part of web sites has not got any precise goal. It is evidently not all the same, that visitors are stimulated to carry out online shopping or registration, or generate some content on a given page or in a given section. If the aim is defined, it is only to be stated how it can be realized to reach this goal for the most visitors by means of the least money. Our company undertakes to elaborate a plan to increase the effectiveness of a web site on the basis of our analysis.

Developing Web Site

Search Marketing = Developing Web Site attended

Visiting a website depends mainly on the ranking in the search engines. The given website is found via search engines in case of the great number of visitors. It should be considered when preparing a website, however many website creators do not make it. The website is prepared, however its ranking is not considered to increase visitor numbers. For example they prepare flash sites, which are naturally great, however the internet browsers do not see their content.


Hence the most important thing is not to use such techniques which hinder the operation of search robots. If the robot cannot index our site, we are automatically excluded from the web traffic generated by the search engines. If our site can be indexed by the robot, the first step has been done toward a higher hit. The next point is that the website should contain the keyword, which should give a good rank. The website should be search-friendly, hence flash content should be avoided, because it is not seen by the search engines.